STEM to the Rescue

KIOSC is celebrating the amazing week of STEM to the Rescue. In partnership with YouthHQ’s Defence Work Experience Team, students participated in a real life scenario – sending aid to a island community impacted by a cyclone.

Program Outline: A remote island has been devastated by a cyclone, communication is down, and they desperately need supplies! As a STEM Mission Specialist, you will be tasked with designing and delivering essential aid using cutting-edge technology.Over the course of a week at KIOSC and visits to Defence Bases and related industries in Melbourne, students completed.

  • Code the Communication Lifeline: Learn how to program tiny computers to transmit and receive vital messages between the island and rescue command.
  • Map the Scene: Build a 360° replica model of the island, analyzing the terrain and identifying the perfect landing spot for your drone delivery.
  • Prototype the Perfect Delivery: Design and build a lightweight, durable box to attach to your drone.
  • Drone Flight: Learn how to program drones to navigate the challenging island terrain and deliver their essential payload.
  • Challenge Showdown: On the last day, teams will take part in a Challenge Showdown putting all their learned skills to the test.