Biology UNIT 3 : DNA Manipulation and Genetic Technologies Year 12Medical Technologies BOOKED OUT FOR 2025 already…..sorry! In this area of study students investigate the tools and techniques that can be used to manipulate DNA, explain how biological knowledge is applied to biotechnical applications, and analyse the... Read more Biology UNIT 3: Photosynthesis and biochemical pathways Year 12Agriculture /Scientific Research Learners analyse the structure and regulation of biochemical pathways and investigate factors that affect the rate of photosynthesis. Biology Unit 4: Evolution of Lemurs Year 12Scientific Endeavour /Scientific Research Students use real field data to investigate the relatedness of eight individual lemurs to discover whether or not a particular species previously thought extinct is actually still alive. They will analyse morphological data and use gel electrophoresis to decide if the extinct species is actually extant. Chemistry UNIT 2: Analytical analysis of environmental water samples Year 11Analytical Chemistry /Environmental Monitoring /Organic Chemistry /Spectroscopic Analyses Students analyse a range of organic salts/compounds in water, using various techniques: UV Visible spectroscopy, High Pressure Liquid Chromatography and Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. Chemistry UNIT 4: Identification of an Organic Compound Year 12Analytical Chemistry /Organic Chemistry /Police and Forensic Science /Separation Techniques /Spectroscopic Analyses This program explores the use chemical instruments used to separate and measure specific properties - GS-MS, HPLC-DAD, FT-IR and NMR. Environmental Science Unit 2: Water Pollution Year 11Environmental Monitoring Introduction Pollution of water sources can have devastating effects on the surrounding environment. Pollution can make air and water resources hazardous for plants and animals. It can directly harm soil microorganisms and larger soil-dwelling organisms,... Read more Physics UNIT 2: Mission Gravity Year 11Astrophysics /Physics An incursion opportunity, in partnership with OzGrav, learners explore concepts of space, including gravity, blackholes and radiation. A completely immersive VR Experience.