Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series and Science Week ONLINE
August 21, 2020
KIOSC is in full swing delivering online Science Week: Ocean Sustainability. Our Science Week Programs are designed for enrichment students – part of the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series for Year 5-9. This week we have been ONLINE with students from all over Victoria – so very exciting.
If you would like to book these programs – they are still running during Term 3 and 4 – For more information and to book: Ocean Sustainability
Ocean Scratch
Bioplastics – Science at home in your kitchen! Student created Bioplatics made from (seaweed) products. Actually it was gelatin, as too difficult to purchase the agar in COVID times.
Tech to the Rescue
Tech to the Rescue – Students trained a Teachable Machine (AI) to recognise an invasive species and completed IoT coding to send signals back from the Ocean.
3D Decoys
3D Decoys – Students used online 3D modelling software to create a 3D Decoy.
Tank Temp
Tank Temp: Students designed and coded an online Arduino Microprocessor to receive and send information to maintain a temperature in a marine tank.